WolfPack Video Library

Buyer Registration

To access amazing offers from our various Suppliers, your first step will be to sign-up as a Buyer and create a WolfPack Deal. This WolfPack Deal will be then sourced within our Social Marketplace, allowing you to aggregate your purchase with other interested members to produce a dynamic Group Purchasing Organization (GPO).  WolfPack will also provide your company with validated Supplier results, that will allow you to receive the best offers and lowest prices.

Seller Registration

Once you have applied as a WolfPack Buyer, you may also sign up as a Seller. This will allow you to sell your products or services by simply creating a WolfPack Offer, or submitting a Bid on a Request for Quotation (RFQ).

Create a WolfPack Deal

As a Buyer you have the capability to create WolfPack Deals, allowing Sellers in and outside of our network to bid for your business and offer you the lowest price. You may also invite others to join your WolfPack Deal, so that you can aggregate your purchasing power and dynamically form a Group Purchasing Organization (GPO). This video will walk you through creating a Wolfpack Deal.